
Mimir.net @ GenCon '99

and advertise for free!

Hotel reservations, travel expenses, ISPs, and endless cans of Mountain Dew: covering a gaming convention can be expensive! Covering the world's largest convention with an out of pocket budget can be even more so. We are offering ad space in return for donations in hopes of covering some or most of our expenses.

See a sample ad! | Why advertise with us? | Options | Policies

Why you should advertise with us:

Our site is popular with gamers: 2200-2700 hits per week to the main page. Even more hits expected during GenCon '99!
Our site is massive!
With over 600 pages and 3000 files, people keep coming back for more!
Our site has 'regulars'! 450 subscribers to the update mailing-list recieve instant notice when new content is added, like your ads!


How you can advertise with us:

Here is a sample of the kind of ad we can make for you!
(you must have the shockwave Flash plug-in to view)

Main page ad:

Catch the eye of hundreds of gamers with an ad on the index page of the Mimir.net Current hits average at 2500 hits weekly. Space is very limited. Asking $50 donation, measure 150x150. Ad runs the week of GenCon '99.

Banner ads: See your 460x90 ad banner on our GenCon index page! These ads are a perminant additon to the pages, so you are buying an ad that current and future viewer will see months from now! Space is limited: $60.00 donation requested.
Mailing list mention:

Mass mailings on the update mailing list will be sent out periodically in July (about 1 per week) and quite frequently during our updates during GenCon. $10 per line, runs 4 weeks.

Rule of Threes:
SAVE $30!

Get all three ad options by donating $100 and recieve:
Main page ad space on the Mimir.net Index
Banner ad space on the Gen Con Index
Two lines on the mailing list emails.




Ad specs and policy:

The sponsor is responsible for providing quality ads to the spec size they sponsor. Banners are 460x90 and ads 150x150 pixels. Any additional manipulation by our staffs will result in a $10 per hour labor charge.

We reserve the right to refuse advertisements we feel are inappropriate for our site. New ad art will be requested, or your money returned.

Banners and ads should be either in .jpg or .gif format. Smaller size files load faster, which means people will be more likely to see your ad. We will refuse files over 40k in size. Ask us about making small ads and animation.
If you are interested in advertising, but do not have the art, don't worry! Ask us to whip up a suitable ad for you! Design rates to be negotiated. Contact us!

Thank you for consitering sponsoring our project!
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns!
-Nathan Letsinger, designer.